by KIM Chang-hoon from Pressian  ·  21 MIN READ
“Korea is a society in which nationalism is going extinct—its embers lighting up only during football games. Minjok persists as a sentiment but as an ideology it is fast disappearing.”
by Gorani from Nongaek  ·  7 MIN READ
“Our generation is used to the older generation criticizing us for our lack of patience because we were raised with warm food on the table and clothes on our backs. But that doesn’t mean that we only sit and take their criticism.”
by JEON Byung-geun from Book Club Origin  ·  43 MIN READ
In a rare interview with a Korean journalist, Taiwan’s Tang Nuo opens up decades of reading. ‘Reader agitation’, marriage to Chu T’ien-hsin, and musings on where societies are headed.
by JEON Byung-geun from Book Club Origin  ·  23 MIN READ
“I think nowhere are the promises and dangers of twenty-first-century technology clearer than in the Korean peninsula.”
Back in January, an American professor in Korea published a piece on Medium framing K-pop as “neo-Confucianist pornography”. The article was recently translated into Korean, to considerable pushback. Here’s a summary.